How To

Order Head tab Explained

The Order form. 


The “Order Head” tab explained 


  • «Unit name»: The first piece of information on the order head tab is the name of the unit the order is linked to.
  • Order: This is the orders “Order number”, the order number is set when draft is approved. Until the draft has been approved, the order subject is visible here as well as in the “Order no” column in grids.
  • Status: This is the current order status
  •  Approved: on the same line as the order status, the “Approved” icon will show, if the order has been approved. (ref illustration below).
  •  “Local Office” \ “Local Ship”: This shows where the draft is created, and which system (Office\ Unit) of the order. This indicator is mostly used when in “Draft” status, and controls where the draft can be approved. (Visible to the far right-hand side above the “included suppliers grid”.

Only two options are available.

o “Local Ship” (Created onboard) can only be approved onboard.  o “Local Office” (Created in the office system) can only be approved at the office


  • Date Created: This is the date the draft was created
  • Date Approved: This field will show the draft approved date, until the order is “Approved for ordering” then it will show the “Order approved date”
  • On Order: This field will show the date the order was placed “On Order”
  • Subject: This is the order subject or title, which can be used to identify the order
  • Order type: This reflects the “order type”, and the option available here may vary as there is a setting to control which options are available. Some of the order types require a license to the relevant module. Below is a listing of all the available order types. o  Purchase order.

Regular spare part orders, if a spare part item is the first item added to the draft is a spare part, the order type will automatically be set to “Purchase order”. (right click add to draft) o Consumables Order.

Due to legacy issues, the default order type when adding a catalogue item to the draft the order type is set to a “Consumable” order. (right click add to draft) o  Work Order. 

If the first item added to a draft is a job (right click add to draft) the order type will be set to “Service Order” o  Medic Order  

This option requires a license on the Medic module to use. Any items that are ordered from the “Medic” module will be added to a “Medic Order”. Only users with access to the “Medic” module will be able to see orders of this type. o  Contract 

There is no specific functionality related to this order type, and will behave as a regular order such as “purchase”, “Consumables” and “Service Order” 

  1.  Credit Note 

Credit notes supports negative quantity and negative order value, as it can be used to track items not delivered but paid for, or for item returned to supplier and the item price is expected to be returned. See chapter : How to create a “Credit Note? For additional details. 

  1.  Landed Goods 

This is a simple option to keep track of item that have been put ashore for one reason and another.

  1.  Slop Chest Order

This order type requires the “Slop Chest” module, any items ordered from within the slop chest module, will be added to a “Slop Chest” order. When this order type is received the “slop chest” stock will be updated (not regular stock) Separate user guide is available for this module.

  • Department: The department the order is linked to. The “Department” option available is controlled through the “code” table “Department”.  
  • Shipment date:
  • Estimated delivery date: This date can be used as the wanted or requested delivery date communicated to the supplier.
    1. ASAP (Check box): Is a simple way to say the delivery is required as soon as possible. However, “as soon as possible” is not a very accurate time frame, and many clients prefer to only use a set date, and not use the ASAP option. It is possible to remove the check box using a setting.  
  • Required Onboard: This date can be used to indicate to the purchasers when the items ordered is required or expected onboard. The purchaser may use this date to determine when the items need to be received on the delivery location, to meet the date requirement.

The order information field group 

  • Supplier ref: This will show the suppliers contact person, and my not be populated before a supplier has been selected for the order 
  • Purchaser ref: This will show the “purchaser” handling the order, it will be automatically set to the first user to send an RFQ for the order. It is possible for a purchaser to update the “Purchaser ref” to their user’s name, by clicking the small grey button to the right in the field. 
  • Ship Ref: This will show the name of the user who created the draft. 
  • Flag 1 & Flag 2: These are two check boxes, where is possible for each client to define the label. The name for each check box can be set in the system settings. They can also be turned of if they are not required.
  • Delivery Port: -------------
  • Delivery Date: Most clients use this only as the “Confirmed Delivery” date, which can be manually or set by the “Order confirmation” action. For more details on this function see the chapter: How to confirm an order?  Some use only the “Delivery date” both for “Requested delivery date” and then modify it to the “Confirmed Delivery date” once the confirmed delivery date is received.
  • Will be delivered on next arrival: This will make the order appear in the order overview column with the same name. It can be a simple way to leet the vessels know which orders are awaiting them when they arrive in port.
  • Delivery terms: To describe the terms of delivery (IE : Incoterms) Options in this list is maintained in the code table “Order delivery terms”
  • Priority: To indicate order priority. Options in this list is maintained in the code table “Order Priority”
  • Project (Financial):  This field allow the order to be linked to a “Financial Project”, a setting will open the field allow direct editing (free text), but it is recommended to define the [Purchasing] [Financial Project] module. Clicking the […] button will open the “Financial Project” picker. For more details on “Financial Projects” please see the chapter: How to use Financial Projects?
  • Transport doc ref: Free text field where reference information on transportation can be stored.
  • Shipment ref:
  • Supplier Quote ref: When a supplier is selected for an order, the suppliers “Quote ref”, if recorded in the quotation header, will be saved in this field. If not available in the quotation header it is possible to input it manually. 
  • Order Confirmation ref: When an order is “Confirmed” by the supplier, a confirmation reference may be included. If the “Confirmation Reference” is recorded in the “Order confirmation” dialog

(How to confirm an Order?) the reference will be stored and be visible in this field. It is also possible to manually enter the reference number in this field.

  • Invoice ref: To store the invoice reference number, once an invoice has been received. This is a free text field, and references can be manually inserted.
  • Purchaser group: This field is used to assign or tag the order to a certain purchaser team or group. The options in this list is maintained in the code list “Purchaser Group”
  • Taxes: This will allow marking the order with a tax code, this tax code can be used to calculate tax in the “order report” sent to supplier. 
  • Invoice Date: This is the date the order was\will be paid. This can be manually set or set by an integration with an accounting system 

The “Included Supplier” grid and address section 

In the top right-hand side of the order form an several tabs dedicated to suppliers and addresses can be found. These are:

  • The “Suppliers” tab

This tab and the functions found on it is described in detail in the chapter: The include supplier grid. 


  • The “Selected Suppliers” tab


Once a supplier has been selected for an order the supplier details stored within the order is available here. The information available here is a copy of the details set for the supplier, when selected as the supplier for the order. Since details are stored as part of the order, any changes made to the supplier after the supplier has been added to the order is not automatically updated in each individual order, and function to “update the supplier details” is available, on the “Suppliers” tab.  


In addition to the address, phone, fax and e-mail address a field with the “Payment terms” is listed here. It is possible to set a default “Payment term” for each individual supplier, which is automatically inserted in the “quotation header” if set. If the “Payment term” is modified for the supplier in the quotation, it will be the modified “payment term” from the quotation that is reflected here, after the supplier has been selected, and value can be adjusted here if required. The “payment terms” options are maintained in the code list “Payment terms”.


  • The “Delivery” tab


This tab will hold the delivery address details It is possible to define a “default” delivery address for each individual unit, which can be automatically inserted in every order created. If a “default” delivery address is not possible to define for the unit, which in many cases is very natural, as the vessel will move. It is possible to select a “Delivery address” from the address picker by clicking the […] button in the “Delivery Name” field.


  • The “Invoice” tab


This tab will hold the “Invoice Address” details. It is possible to define a “default” invoice address for each individual unit, which will be inserted in every order created. It is however possible to change to different address by clicking the […] button in the “Invoice name” field.


In addition to the Invoice address, phone, fax, and email address details the Invoice address “business registration number” is shown here.  

The Budget, Remarks, and linked entities tab group 

In the lower right-hand corner of the order form, another tab group can be found, the following tabs are available, and the following described content is available on them.

  • The “Budget” tab

On this tab the following fields are available:

  1. Account: This is the account for the order. To set or alter account for the order click the […] which will bring up the account picker.
  2. Cost Code: This can be used to further specify the nature of the expense in financial terms. The options available here is maintained in the code list “Cost codes”. If budget is specified on the cost code level, a selection in this drop down must be made to place the order in a budget. If budget is not done on the cost code level, this field is optional.
  3. WBS: -------------
  4. Currency: This field will reflect the order currency. The order currency is set when a supplier is selected. Then the “supplier currency” will be set as the “order currency”, until a supplier has been selected it may reflect, he “unit currency”
  5. Rate: This is the exchange rate from the “order currency” to the “unit currency”. The exchange rates are maintained in the [Purchasing] [Currency] module. The order currency exchange rate is fixed when the order is paid.
  6. Cost Activity:  It is possible to organise accounts in “Cost Activities” which are ways to group accounts. An account can be member of multiple cost activities, when selecting an account, users can select a cost activity which will filter the account list to only accounts that are in that cost activity group. The selected cost activity will be stored in this field. For more information on “Cost activities” please refer to the “Accounts and Budget in TM Master V2” user manual.
  7. Budget Period: TM Master will try to place the order into the correct budget period using the available dates in the order. It will look for a "date" to decide upon what budget period the order should be placed, in the following prioritised order.
  8. 1 - "Delivery Date" o 2 - "Estimated Delivery date" o 3 - "On Order Date"
  9. 4 - "Created Date"


When the "Paid" function is used, users are asked to confirm the account (and cost code used) and what budget period it should be linked to (If changes are made at this stage (all dates are overruled).


  1. By ticking the “Manual” check box next to the budget year, the budget period and year pickers will allow the user to set the budget year and period manually for the order. o Budget amount: There are 2 fields next to each other, the first will show the budget for the selected period, the second one will show the total budget for the selected budget year. o Budget remaining: There are two fields next to each other, the first is the “remaining budget” for the period, the second one is the remaining budget for the selected budget year
  2. Currently committed: There are two fields next to each other, the first is the “currently committed” in the selected period, the second one is the total current committed in the selected budget year.  
  3. Manual estimate: This field is possible for the users to edit, it can be used to set an estimated value to the order prior to having sent any RFQs, or in some cases such as “service orders” the accurate value, may be hard to quote so an estimate can be made.
  4. Current total price: This is the calculated total price, of the order line as they are now. (total order price + shipment cost)
  5. Last know price:  This is the order price using the “last known” item price for all included items in the order (if they have a last known price).  o Approved estimate: This is the “total price” for the order when it was “Approved” (for ordering), next to it the date of the approval is shown.
  6. Sent estimate: This is the “total price” on the order when it was sent to the supplier, next to it the date when order was sent.
  7. Confirmed paid: This the total paid sum.
  8. Paid: (check box) if ticked the order is considered completely paid.
  9. Partly paid: (check box) if ticked the order is considered only “partly paid”


  • The “Remarks” sub tab

o Internal remark: This is a text field for internal comments

  1. Note to vendor: This is a text field, for comments to the supplier, it can be included in the order template (RFQ and Order .pdf file)
  2. Note from Vendor: This is a text field, for comments from the selected supplier.


  • The “History” sub tab

This tab shows the last history event for the order, the entire order history is available on the main “history” tab.




  • The “Docking” sub tab

This is where an order can be linked to a docking project.


  1. Docking: A drop down that will list all “docking” projects from the docking module, linked to the current unit. When a docking project has been selected clicking the [Eye] button at the end of the field will open the “Docking project”
  2. Docking item: A drop down that will list all “docking items” in the above selected docking project. When a docking item has been selected, clicking the [Eye] button at the end of the field will open the “Docking item”
  3. Docking comment: A text field for a comment related to the order vs the docking project and item.



  • The “Claim” sub tab

This is where an order can be linked to a claim.


  1. Claim No: Click the […] button at the end of the field to bring up a “claim” picker, the selected claim (from the claim module) will be linked to the order. Clicking the [Eye] button at the end of the field will open the linked claim. o Name: This will show name of the linked claim o Status: This will show the status of the linked claim.



  • The “Failure Report” sub tab

This is where an order can be linked to a “Failure report” registered in the “Failure Report module.


  1. Failure report: Click the […] to open the “failure report” picker , the selected failure report will be linked to the order. Clicking the [Eye] button at the end of the field will open the linked Failure report.


  • The “Invoices” sub tab

This tab will allow manual adding of “Invoices”, some integrations are also designed to transfer the received invoices from the external financial system and display them here.


  1. Click the [New] button to register a new “invoice”, this will open the following form.


  • Name: Enter an invoice name\short description
  • Date received: Select the date the invoice was received, default value is set “today”
  • Payment: Enter the Invoice amount and set Invoice currency
  • Status: Select the status for the invoice, the following options are available.
  • Not Paid 
  • Received  
  • Approved 
  • Partly paid 
  • Completely paid            Cancelled. 
    • Invoice Ref: Enter the Invoice reference number
    • Scanned invoice: If the invoice has been scanned and is available as a web page the http:// address can be inserted here. The link if properly defined will work as a link and open the web page if clicked.
    • Invoice path: If the scanned invoice is stored in a folder, the path to the document can be inserted here.

    1. “Invoice Lines” tab: It is also possible to record the “Invoice” lines, by clicking the “Invoice lines” tab and the clicking the “New” button.  
    2. “History” tab: Any changes made to the “Invoice” record, is recorded in the change log on the “history” tab

“Documents” tab: It is possible to attach the invoice as a document to the invoice record.

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